New forces in Naturarvet

basin forest

You who follow Naturarvet here on Facebook have probably noticed that it has been long between updates lately. Naturarvet is run with a large measure of idealism and it has sometimes been difficult to keep up with everything that needed to be done. But now we take new steps. I, Mats Abrahamsson, am stepping down as director and handing over to Lo Jarl who comes in with new energy. Lo has many years of experience in non-profit activities and fundraising, and I am convinced that Naturarvet will get the new impetus it needs. I will remain on the board of Naturarvets and will be as passionate about the old-growth forest as before. I wish Lo good luck in his new role and conclude with a picture from one of my favorite places in Iglekärr old-growth forest, the small stream that on its way north from the lake Stora Iglekärr runs through a varied and original nature.
