Results of the inventory in Vånevik-Påskallavik old-growth forest!


The results of the inventory of lichens, fungi and mosses in Vånevik-Påskallavik old-growth forest on 27-30 October are now ready!

A total of 67 species of lichens, 30 species of fungi and 48 species of mosses were recorded, of which 15 were signal species and a further 8 were red-listed.

Among the mosses Flagellate moss (Dicranum flagellant) and Fell moss (Antrichia xurtipendula) as signal species for the area. Link to the full list.

Among the mushrooms Oxtung fungus (Fistula hepatica) and Weckticka (Antrodia pulvinascens) as red-listed species for the area. Link to the full list.

The major addition of conservation species in the area is among the lichens where Blyertslav (Buellia violaceofusca), Dwarf beech lichen (Cladonia parasitica), Small crumbling slave (Bactrospora corticola) and Pink cutleaf (Schismatomma pericleum) were added as red-listed species and Shiny spot (Arthonia spadicea), Grey spot lichen (Acrocordia hemmatant), Yellow-spotted spiked lichen (Calicium adspersum), Grain-covered elder (Chaenotheca chlorella), Small puncture flaw (Acrocordia cavata), Luddnål (Chaenotheca stemonea), Maple lichen (Bacidia rubella), Sea lichen (Zwackhia sorediifera), Rich fruiting body lichen (Phlyctis agelaea) and Rust spot (Arthonia vinosa) were added as signal species. Link to the full list.

The first discovery of the Pink Cutting Sawfly is documented in a live broadcast that is shortened to one minute for the discovery itself at this link.

Now we will present our view that the area has additional high nature values to the municipality in our request to acquire an area of more than 50 ha. With an even more thorough survey at a more appropriate time of year (once in the summer and once in September), further finds of exciting species can certainly be noted, not forgetting wood-dwelling insects! For example, in the woods out on the small islands there is unexplored nature from a conservation point of view. It is important to remember that it is the protection of this whole area that will have the desired effect on nature conservation.

We would like to thank the inventors Tommy Knutsson (Nature Centre, lichens and fungi 27-28 Oct.) and Andreas Stansvik, (voluntary work, mosses 29-30 Oct.) as well as Leif Danielson, Marit Stigsdotter and Agneta Anderson who have been helpful during the inventory days and have also contributed with finds. We would also like to express our special thanks to those who contributed to the financing of the inventory.

Lav well!

Lo & Ywonne Jarl