Make a Tompkins - Dougifiera your world!

Three Threats to the Old Forest

1. The forest industry has presented its research agenda. It prioritizes research that will protect the industry's competitiveness, increase access to forest raw materials, develop new bio-based products and stimulate increased industrial wood construction. - There is nothing about biodiversity on the agenda, only how the forest industry will make more money for its owners. Skogsindustrierna
2. Professor emeritus at the Swedish School of Forestry, Mårten Bendz, is following Göran Persson's (former chairman of Sveaskog and now a private forest owner) call to create an opinion to harvest more forest and suggests that climate benefits should take precedence over biodiversity. Bendz opens the door to logging and replanting nature reserves and other formally protected land; biodiversity can be found elsewhere on the planet. Skogsindustrierna Skogsaktuellt
3 In the US, the Republicans, with the tailwind of Trump'soccupation of the White House, have acted quickly to enable the US government to sell or give away land that includes wildlife refuges in Alaska and many states in the western US to states or other local authorities. This in turn makes the land available for mining, oil drilling, etc. while losing public access to the land. The Guardian

climate emergency nature reserve

If you thought a little while ago that it was unreasonable for Trump to become president, weigh up the above threats and carefully consider the unreasonable idea that decisions on nature reserves and national parks will be reversed in the not too distant future. The most secure protection a forest can receive is that Naturarvet owns it. The foundation's statutes prohibit felling and other forestry operations and sales. The statutes and the foundation law guarantee the protection of the forest in perpetuity.

The best thing you can do to help protect protect old-growth forest forever is to support Naturarvet so that it can acquire more forests worthy of protection that are currently unprotected. Naturarvet is a charitable foundation and needs donations to run its activities.

Make a "Tompkins" - "Dougify" your world!

Solliden squirrel

Doug Tompkins is the man who, together with his wife Chris, took much of his capital and bought land equivalent to the entire area of Skåne. They bought the land just to protect it, which led to the creation of a number of national parks in Patagonia.

Doug passed away in a canoeing accident just over a year ago. Now you can honor his memory and old-growth forest biodiversity by making a "Tompkins" yourself. Take a small or large amount of your capital and give it to Naturarvet to "Dougify" your world - give back to nature the right to be left alone from human exploitation. Through Naturarvet you give your gift to the Swedish old-growth forest, which is thus preserved for all time.

Naturarvet - Together protect we are Sweden's old-growth forest!
