Would you like to help Naturarvet? We always need forest friends who have the time and ability to help us find and inventory forests or to spread information about Naturarvet. If you want to become one of our volunteers, please start by reading and considering our document Natural heritage identity. Send an email to naturarvet[at]naturarvet.se telling us about yourself and what you can and want to help with.
We are currently looking for more forests to acquire in the coming years. Tips from the public can lead to a successful acquisition. Our acquisition of Svartsundets old-growth forest originated from a tip through a Facebook message.
Ullersjöbäckens old-growth forest in Frostviken, northern Jämtland, is not so carefully inventoried, so if you have expertise in inventorying different species groups, we are happy if you want to visit the beautiful forest near the sea and dig into the plant and animal life. Send an email to Lo Jarl about it (see below). Contact us)