Hope you had a great summer despite all the rain. I hope you enjoyed the forest with all its delights, the blueberries have been huge and growing in abundance this year, at least up north and the gold of the forest, i.e. cloudberries have made my day once I've found them. There have been a lot of jams and marmalades and now the chanterelles and lingonberries are waiting to be discovered. Come to think of it, you can make a pretty good living from the woods during the summer months, even if you're not a hunter, a benefit we shouldn't forget!
Sitting on the bus on the way up to Gällivare as I write this. I'll be spending the whole week in some pretty inaccessible woodland. They will be inventoried to see what is hiding in there and I am absolutely sure that I will find forests that will take your breath away. There are definitely patches of relatively untouched woodland, which means I'll be hiking in real old-growth forests. I can already see enormous coniferous trees lying like pickaxes in front of me, all with exciting fungi and lichens, small meandering forest streams untouched by deforestation, I can see rough trees that are hundreds of years old, pines with thick, knotty flat crowns where birds of prey can build their nests and fir trees with thick hanging branches that create nests and shelter for other small birds.
I have heard that there are a lot of bears in the area and yes, I really hope for a bear encounter. Who knows, I may be disappointed, maybe there is not much of old-growth forest left there and I will most likely not meet a bear, they are so good at hiding the brown rascals. But if I come across something exciting, I will film a clip so I can share with you the forests from the north.
It will be long days with many kilometers to hike, we hope that the snow does not catch up... By the way, you have not missed that you can now buy your own piece of forest in Iglekärr! What could be a better gift for someone you like than your own little patch of forest to go on an excursion to. Imagine sitting by an old oak tree and knowing that it will remain there Thank you thanks to you! To buy a piece of forest, you can click HERE.
Take care,