New Forest Squares in a Forest of the Future

Forest of the future
At the moment Naturarvet has no forest to earmark gifts for. In order to still be able to offer forest squares and show the effect of the gift corresponding to a forest square with a gift certificate, we have now created a target without coordinates for a future forest. Once the next forest is acquired, we change the background image to a satellite image of the exact area that will be covered by these forest plots and transfer all the reserved forest plots to the next Natural Heritage Future Forest. The donors will then receive another gift certificate providing the coordinates of the forest plots that can be visited on site.

Where is the next forest?
We continuously look for and often receive tips about different forests that may be of interest for Naturarvet to acquire. Each object is examined and matched against the criteria that form the basis for the forest to be acquired. We are currently looking at three areas that we want everyone to come in to Naturarvet. Our raised capital right now is not enough for all of them, so if we end up acquiring all three, we need to have more capital in our pockets. Therefore, advance gifts are a good way to finance the purchase of the next forest even before a contract can be signed. As a buyer, not being able to show that the purchase can be financed within the timeframe for transferring the property to Naturarvet is a dealbreaker. Financial muscle creates the conditions for a successful deal.

Forest Boxes and Umbrella Trees... a gift is a unique collection that Naturarvet has for earmarked gifts. The forest squares have become extremely popular and the 420 squares that were marked over just over 4 ha in Svartsundets old-growth forest on Gräsö in Roslagen have now become someone's "own" square, given away in someone's honor or someone's memory or to thank the old forest and life on earth. Other squares have been sponsored with logos and links to websites. Check out how Svartsundets old-growth forest has become the people's forest at the target for forest squares and on the collection map for Svartsundets old-growth forest .