Action Programme (ÅGP) and renovation in Svartsundets old-growth forest

In November, Naturarvet obtained a deed to the property, which we call Svartsundets old-growth forest . This means that 32 hectares of beautiful and varied natural forest are protected in perpetuity. On the property there is a marsh which we will strengthen as a habitat for the Swedish red-listed pike frog in cooperation with the County Administrative Board's Action Programme (ÅGP). There are also several old barns and one of them is in condition to be renovated as an overnight cabin for visitors.

We clean up the asbestos roof and a local shingle roof installer arranges a new shingle roof, conceived as a course where the participants' course fees contribute to the project. Please let know if you would be interested in participating. The barns in the area provide conditions for lichens associated with older unpainted wooden buildings, e.g. southern barn lichen may benefit from restoring roofs on the old barns and clearing scrub in its vicinity in south and west-facing areas. This is another AYP on which we can work with the County Council. In addition, Gräsö has several fine sites for limestone barren forest with sepcific fungal flora, which also has an ÅGP. Recently, large sponges were inventoried in the southern part of Svartsundets old-growth forest .