
We thank our long-time volunteer Åsa Berg. She is leaving because she has had a full-time job at World Animal Protection for some time now that requires her full focus. We ask our donors and those of you who contact Naturarvet to have a little extra patience. There may be errors in forest shop and Lo may have time constraints due to heavy workload with minimal working hours. Eventually we will automate our payment flows. Please help us by letting us know when things are not working 100% on our websites and we will do our best to give you a rewarding visit to our website. Donor Service (Lo or Ywonne answering) 070-6484789

Want to volunteer? We need help with: printing and mailing gift certificates - you have an excellent colour printer - preferably laser - we will reimburse for toner/ink, heavy paper, envelopes and postage. The number of prints varies from a few a week during quiet months to several a day just before Christmas. You'll get the joy of helping with an important practical chore for the old-growth forest and of seeing many nice greetings on the gift certificates. Contact Lo Jarl if you would like to take on this honourable task on a completely voluntary basis. You can be the first to print a gift certificate with the new motif of Adam and Eve, the orchid that grows wild on the Svartsundsören in Svartsundets old-growth forest .