Naturarvet receives SEK 1 million from the Nature Bonus

We are extremely grateful and happy for the sake of the old-growth forest that Naturarvet is awarded SEK 1 million from this year's Nature Bonus from Naturkompaniet.

A warm Thank you to everyone who voted for Naturarvet from this year's ten fantastic nominated projects. At the same time, we are delighted to share the Nature Bonus with SkyddaSkogen, WWF, Naturskyddsföreningen and Katastrophjälp FVSS. Together, our projects will contribute in different ways to promoting biodiversity in Sweden.

Currently, Naturarvet has initiated the acquisition of three different forests. The money from the Nature Bonus is needed to complete these three acquisitions. We will document our work and these forests for publication in the Narukompaniet member magazine Magasin 365, on our website and in social media.

We celebrate Biodiversity Day with this happy news and by moving forward in the process of the ongoing acquisitions. Stay tuned for new updates from us in the near future.

Low Well!

Lo and Ywonne