Winners of the 2023 Stenbeck Prize for Business Cooperation 🥳.

Naturarvet receives the 2023 Stenbeck Prize Business collaboration with IcebugOn March 21st, on International Forestry Day, Naturarvet and Icebug were awarded the Stenbeck Prize 2023 Business Cooperation of the Year (See our nomination video). here) with the justification:

Naturarvet and Icebug have with the concept "Green Friday" found a strong partnership where the customer is included in the sustainability ambitions, resulting in increased awareness, increased turnover and increased area for endangered old-growth forest. The collaboration shows the importance of long-term partnerships based on a common vision and closely linked to the company's purpose and goals.

See our acceptance speech here

Celebrate with us

The theme of Forest Day 2024 is innovation - both in the use of wood fiber as a raw material and in forest protection. Naturarvet has a unique concept in the latter, where forest protection is based on collaboration and involves all stakeholders. The collaboration with Icebug via the 1% for the planet platform makes this particularly clear.

Naturarvet makes it possible for everyone to take part in the preservation of the world's best carbon storage, species preservation and outdoor destination - the old-growth forest. Join us on the journey to protect the last Swedish old-growth forests before 2030.

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