The world's best newsletter

World's Best Newsletter from Naturarvet!

Dear old forest friend!

There is a lot going on and has happened recently in Naturarvet. Instead of writing about everything here, we link to different blog posts for each news item. So feel free to click on the links to read more about what's going on and get inspired to contribute.

Iglekärr's old-growth forest inaugurated...
In August more than 50 people celebrated that Iglekärrs
old-growth forest is now preserved for all time. At the ceremony in the middle of the forest, a tribute bench was unveiled which also received attention in the local TV news.

...and nature reserves
In September, the formal decision to create a nature reserve was announced on the county administrative board's website and in the media.

Final push for Våneviks old-growth forest
In August, Naturarvet submitted a letter to Oskarshamn municipality to buy a 50 ha area to preserve this valuable old-growth forest. We are awaiting a response and are taking the opportunity to build on our cause by making an extra inventory of important lichens, fungi and mosses. Contribute to the fundraiser to finance the inventory!

Naturarvet contributes to national strategy for formal protection of valuable forests
We participated in the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's hearing and provided feedback on the ongoing revision of the national strategy for the formal protection of forests 2017-2020.

New video gift in forest shop
We are starting our update of forest shop with our new video gift. The recipient of the gift certificate gets access to a meditation video with soothing scenes and sounds from the deciduous forest. Preserve three trees in the ancient forest while giving a peaceful video link to yourself or someone you want to cheer up in the autumn rush.

Naturarvet sign a letter of intent with our neighbor to add 12 hectares of protected old-growth forest to Iglekärr! We call the new addition Iglekärr Solliden and start the collection already today! Join us and contribute! We will soon launch new fun ways to help preserve Iglekärr Solliden for all time!