Naturarvet 💚 Icebug nominated finalists for the 2023 Stenbeck Prize
Naturarvet has, together with the shoe company Icebug, been nominated as a finalist for the Stenbeck Prize 2023 in the category Business Cooperation. The prize is awarded by the Swedish industry organization for professional fundraising, Giva Sweden, and the winners will be announced during their annual Fundraising Forum at a gala dinner at Münchenbryggeriet on 21 March. The collaboration, which has been established through the 1% for the Planet network, generated a donation to Naturarvet of SEK 893,000 in 2023.
Icebug has an ability to engage and inspire not only its own fans and customers. For Black Friday 2023, they
partnered with Svensk Orientering and elite orienteer Tove Alexandersson to spread the message that it is urgent to protect the last old-growth forests in Sweden. Icebug is also a pioneer in
environmental work. They constantly invite other companies to join them on their journey towards a more sustainable world.
Old-growth forests make up only a fraction of Sweden's land area and more old-growth forest are felled than protected every year. In 10-30 years there will be no more old-growth forests left to protect. - When you think about how little old-growth forest we have left in Sweden, it is actually quite unreasonable that it is not protected, so that it remains when our children grow up. Naturarvet is doing important work here, and we at Icebug are happy to do our part," says David Ekelund, CEO of Icebug.
Naturarvet has a unique position in Sweden as the only organization that can acquire forest properties with forests worthy of protection from private forest owners. - More and more people are discovering the opportunity to make a local effort with a global impact on climate and species conservation when they protect old-growth forest through Naturarvet, says Ywonne Jarl, non-profit coach and fundraising manager at Naturarvet. - The old-growth forest is the world's best land-based carbon storage, species conservation and outdoor destination. The fact that the collaboration with Icebug is recognized can inspire more people. It gives Naturarvet the chance to increase the pace of preserving some of the last old-growth forests for all time," says Lo Jarl, ecologist and operations manager at Naturarvet.