A forest for Christmas

A whole forest for Christmas for all our donors!

(photo: Emil Lundström, Norra Skog)

Yesterday, Naturarvet acquired a unique forest near the mountains in Åkersjön, Jämtland, at a public auction in Östersund. 117 ha large Klingervattskogen is located next to the round little lake Klingervattnet and has a small part of inland land, which has had a great importance as a pasture in the village (photo Emil Lundström, Norra Skog)

Today, most of the property is overgrown but is still kept open to a small extent by a few recreationalists who are keen to keep the forest untouched. Untouched old-growth forest covers most of the property. " Preserving old-growth forest is the most important measure locally to slow down the climate catastrophe and species extinction globally," says Ywonne Jarl. (photo Emil Lundström, Norra Skog)

Klingervattskogen will be a fine complement to the protection of nature in the area.
- The collaboration with the County Administrative Board of Jämtland has contributed greatly to Naturarvet being able to acquire and protect three areas in Jämtland so far, says Lo Jarl. (photo Emil Lundström, Norra Skog)

We took the opportunity to visit our fantastic partner, the County Administrative Board of Jämtland. From there, Lo and Ywonne extend a warm thank you to all of Natural Heritage's indispensable donors and send this greeting and wish you all

