Dear friend of the old forest!

Be open to the possibility of what the headline says and read on, all the way to the end.

A fantastic breakthrough has taken place! Within a month, four forests can be protected for all time through the acquisition of Naturarvet. All the forests are for sale, so any acquisition is entirely possible as long as we collect the money.

This means that if Naturarvet doesn't buy the forests, someone else will. Then it will be pulp, cardboard, toilet paper, wood chips for heating plants or recreational development of this invaluable natural heritage. A large part of the forests could be felled within the next 10 years according to the forest management plans that have been drawn up for them.

In order of priority, these are 1. a svcanidinavian mountain forest near Jämtland, 2. a forest in Uppland (extension of Svartsundets old-growth forest on Gräsö), 3. a forest in Dalsland and 4. a forest in Gävleborg. In total, they create about 635 hectares of wilderness with high biological value. These forests must not be lost to felling, we must protect them!

It is about your future and that of all future generations. And especially the unique life in the old-growth forests and their importance for the precious life on Earth. These forests contain values that are globally threatened. Their total carbon uptake from the atmosphere each year is potentially equivalent to about 3 000 tons of CO2.

Naturarvet currently has cash and cash equivalents of around SEK 7 million. We need to raise at least another 13 million SEK. Everyone needs to step up. All the different ways to fund these purchases need to work together. You are needed, your loving giving, that makes your soul burn and shine in the darkness, so that more people see and seize the chance to be part of this common power gathering for the old-growth forest and Life on Earth.

We need to establish this immediately:

  1. The Natural Heritage website will have four different targets for forest plotsone in the mountains, one in Uppland, one in Dalsland, one in Gävleborg. The boxes provide about SEK 2 million.
    1. forest plots in Fjällnära forest
    2. forest plots on Gräsö in Uppland
    3. forest plots in Dalsland
    4. forest plots in Gävleborg
  2. Naturarvet has applied to benefit from the Nature Company's Nature Bonus. Everyone votes at Naturarvet and we humbly accept about 1 million SEK.
    1. Become a member of the Naturkompaniet 365 customer club (free of charge) to receive information and be able to vote for the Nature Bonus later this spring.
  3. Other sponsors upgrade their commitment and organise additional activities or pay the contribution of planned activities in advance. Generates about 1 million SEK.
    1. Contact Lo Jarl about your commitment.
  4. All Natural Heritage fans immediately become Forest Fellows so that 600 grow to at least 5,000 Forest Fellows (half of our fans), who make monthly contributions. Generates about 5 million SEK by the end of the year.
    1. Become forest patron via Klarna now!
    2. Become forest patron via direct debit or card now!
  5. Everyone is going outside the box and creating in different ways even more amazing sources of money flowing in. Here, it's each of us and all of us together that generates about $5 million.
    1. Contact Lo Jarl about your project/fundraising/donation.
    2. Tip from Skydda Skogen and our board member Pia Björstrand: If you own a car - Give the petrol donation to Naturarvet via Swish/Klarna here and at the same time counteract the backside of the reduction duty.
  6. CLUB 333: The carbon that these forests collectively take up annually is equivalent to 333 average Swedes' consumption-based emissions of 9 tonnes of CO2 per person per year. Our appeal to 333 people: invest in one combined natural and climate heritage each, which together cover the cost of acquiring the forests. Since these forests will be protected for all time, each investor's contribution will provide an annual carbon gain that lasts a lifetime and can then be passed on to a subsequent person.
    The price tag for our nature and climate heritage heroes will be SEK 60,000 each. If you invest this amount and live for about 30 years after the investment is made, the cost per tonne of carbon dioxide will be about SEK 200. If you live longer, it will be cheaper. In addition, you protect invaluable natural values and give yourself and other people living now and in the future the opportunity to have magical experiences in the old-growth forest.
    1. Contact Lo Jarl about your gift pledge as a member of Club 333.


Old-growth forest ecosystems are the last safe carbon sinks on Earth. IF we permanently protect them! Your contribution is the most important thing you can do for Life on Earth right now.

The financing of the acquisitions must be secured by 15 April. There will be a flurry of activity over the next month and I will post more information on the various forests as we receive more data. Maps will be drawn up and species listed, inventories will be made or completed, valuation on a forest will be done. At the same time, all the money needed for the acquisitions should be secured within a month and made available in the short term. Final payment for one forest will be made by April, the other three in about two to three months.

Together we preserve the precious Life on Earth!

