Reduce logging and protect old-growth forests for the climate!

Break from workThat's it!

The Swedish Forest Agency has now calculated the increased carbon sink with reduced felling. 10 million tons of CO2 per year for a 10% reduction in felling. This does not include the amount of stored plant litter such as humus and the deeper carbon storage of fungi in the old-growth forest soil when it is exempt from felling. Add a few million tons for that we guess. In total, this corresponds to Sweden's entire emissions from all domestic transport in 2022.

Of course, we follow the ten golden rules to protect and ultimately increase the soil carbon sink through natural reforestation. The first rule is to protect all remaining old-growth forest. Then, areas that are degenerated should be regenerated naturally. Or as Greta Thunberg put it in a short video - Protect, Restore, Fund! It is not more difficult than that.

Be a climate hero and...

For us, it means that we turn the concepts around and 1. collect money from you and all your friends and the companies you work for, 2. acquire forests that are protected in perpetuity through the Natural Heritage Statutes and 3. on Gräsö, we have plans to restore wetlands that can regain their natural swamp forest - the best carbon store in the Nordic region.

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Thank you for investing in our shared planet 👥➕💰❤️🌳🍄🌲
Together we preserve the precious Life on Earth!

In the photo, Ywonne and Lo are taking a break from working on a Halland oak-beech forest earlier this summer.
