Welcome to the Natural Heritage blog. Here you can read interesting facts about our boreal old-growth forests, the small and large animals that live there, the effect the forest has on our health and other useful, fun, interesting and exciting writing.
For Crown Princess Victoria's 40th birthday celebrations, the Naturarvet Fundraising Foundation would like to present her with a collection for protect 2,000 sq m old-growth forest in Solliden, Sålanda. Here are three magnificent oak trees, guarding Solliden's 12.7 ha old-growth forest to the south. We call them Victoria oaks and they act as umbrella trees for all the other plants and animals that are protected within 2 [...]
Read more "Intensive conservation work provided protection for mountainous forests. The battle for the mountain forest began about 40 years ago. Deforestation of productive forest land began to reach the limit of what the law allows, and Domänverket (now Sveaskog) began to systematically build roads in roadless land. At each end of the road a clearing was made with the accompanying planting of pure plantations of [...]
Read more "Naturarvet will participate with two activities during the Biodiversity Day on 22 May 2017. Bomb Naturarvet with old-growth forests and join a Bioblitz in Solliden on 21 May.
Read more "Rejection!
Naturarvet has been refused the acquisition of Solliden. An official at the County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland has interpreted the Land Acquisition Act unfavourably for Naturarvet and wants to have the acquisition permit reviewed by the courts. Previous forests have been granted acquisition permits so this comes as a shock. Now it is super important to appeal properly and therefore we are looking for help from a good lawyer.
Read more "Björksäter, 2017-03-02 In yesterday's article in Landets Fria, Minister of the Environment Karolina Skog (MP) and the Swedish Forest Agency's project manager Bo Hultgren are interviewed about the progress of the achievement of the environmental quality objective "Living forests". Both correctly predict that it will be difficult to achieve despite new efforts from the current government. Naturarvet can with your warmth and love grow to become a [...]
Read more "We inaugurated Iglekärr's old-growth forest back in August when the forest had finally become a Natural Heritage Site. Now it's time for the next step when the forest becomes a nature reserve and, together with Ekliden Nature Reserve in the east, creates a coherent protected area of more than 150 hectares of fine old-growth forest.
Read more "Link to an interview with entomologist Diana Six on the progress of bark beetles in North America and brief summary.
Read more "Read about Ikea in turmoil and hiking in one of Sweden's few old-growth forests.
Read more "Not too long ago, I posted short videos from the forests of Norrbotten on Naturarvets blog where I showed some exciting species I had found. Here I thought I'd show them up close and tell you a little about them. There are so many exciting things you can come across in real [...]
Read more "Paulina is heading north, towards Gällivare, to look for old-growth forest.
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