Support us

Naturarvet is a charitable foundation whose purpose is to acquire forest properties with old-growth forest. The objective is to preserve biodiversity by protecting endangered animal and plant species, and to otherwise promote research, outdoor life and tourism for present and future generations.

With your help, we can protect more vital old-growth forests. Your contribution helps to protect life on earth. Thanks to your gifts the climate crisis will slow down by storing more carbon in trees and soil, with fungi as reliable carbon fixers.

There are many ways you can support us:

Give with Klarna/Swish

Most effective way to give a gift or become forest patron
Give a gift

Forest patron

Become a monthly donor easily via direct debit or card
Become a Forest patron

Forest shop

Give a commemorative gift, a memorial gift or say thank you.
To the forest shop

forest plots

Protect your own or give away a patch of old-growth forest.
To the forest squares

Umbrella tree

Become a sponsor to a unique tree in the old-growth forest.
To the umbrella trees


Collaborate with Naturarvet.
Contact us

Other ways
